Biblioteca Municipal Eduardo Lourenço. Pesquisa: "TCO The spirits of our ancestors [Registo sonoro]" + "TCO The spirits of our ancestors [Registo sonoro]$"
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WESTON, Randy The spirits of our ancestors [Registo sonoro] / Randy Weston. - [S.l.] : Polygram S.A. France, p. 2002. - 2 discos (CD-áudio) ; 12 cm + 1 folheto
1º disco contém: African village bedford-stuyvesant 1; The healers; African cookbook; La elaha-ella allah/ morad allah; The call. - (ca. 43 min., 24 seg.). - 2º disco contém: African village bedford-stuyvesant 2; The seventh queen; Blue moses; African sunrise; A prayer for us all. - (ca. 60 min., 84 seg.) Música estrangeira / Jazz